The Flash: The Nuclear Man (2015)
Season 1, Episode 13
11 February 2015
"The Nuclear Man" felt exactly like what a comic book episode should feel. An intriguing storyline, some light hearted and cheesy moments, and some great development for the heroes and supporting characters.

The episode kicks off with Barry now getting on with Linda Park. Their chemistry seem to have blossomed now after this episode. Linda had quite the personality and gave way for some cheesy and awkward scenes with her and Barry which in my opinion, we're well done and reminded a whole lot of how Peter Parker behaves. Although of course, Iris was still there to butt-in and we're all still not sure whether the forced relationship between her and Barry is still alive or dead, so please make it clear already. The episode also explores the intriguing reopening of the case of Nora Allen's murder. Detective West and Cisco certainly makes a great pact and it was quite thrilling to see them uncover and reveal the secrets regarding the case. The Firestorm storyline also continues here which gives way to more character development on Caitlin's character. The sort-of misunderstood antagonist had somewhat of a interesting back story regarding the incident that happened before in Star Labs. The visuals and action still remain very excellent and consistent even at the 13th episode. The ending however, was somewhat fulfilling and it will be continued in the next episode.

Overall, fun and entertaining. It's like you're reading a comic book on your TV screen. +Barry Allen and Linda Park chemistry, -Iris butting in, -Show isn't sure whether Iris and Barry is still a thing, +Detective West and Cisco investigation, +Firestorm storyline, +Consistent Visuals and Action.

Verdict: 8.9/10
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