A Cop (1972)
Gritty Police Story
6 February 2015
A gang formed by Simon (Richard Crenna), Paul Weber (Riccardo Cucciolla), Louis Costa (Michael Conrad) and Marc Albouis (André Pousse) heist a remote bank during a stormy afternoon. However Marc is seriously wounded and they leave him in a clinic after hiding the money in a sophisticated scheme. Meanwhile the cold Police Inspector Edouard Coleman (Alain Delon) is investigating the murder of a woman and his informer, the travesty Gaby (Valérie Wilson), tells about a shipment of heroin carried by the mule Suitcase Matthew (Léon Minisini) by the train to Lisbon. Then Coleman heads to a nightclub owned by Simon, who is his friend, to meet his mistress Cathy (Catherine Deneuve). When Simon learns that the police force is tracking down the wounded thief in hospitals and clinics and the dragnet will certainly find Marc, he goes with the gang and Cathy to kill him. Then Simon plots the robbery of Matthew's drug in the train using a helicopter. When Coleman intercepts Matthew, he does not find the drug shipment and believes that Gaby is not giving good information to him. But when Coleman discover that Marc Albouis is dead, he connects him to Louis Costa and then to the unemployed middle-aged banker Paul Weber and Simon. They bug Simon's telephone and Soleman heads to confront his friend.

"Un Flic", a.k.a. "Dirty Money", is a gritty police story and last movie by Jean-Pierre Melville. The story is cold, with few dialogs and the bank and train robberies are very well detailed through long scenes. Inspector Edouard Coleman is an emotionless character near the thin line between right and wrong. He sees his investigation of drugs entwining with the bank heist and the leader of the gang is his friend. Further Coleman and Simon share the same mistress that is capable to kill a man injecting air in his vein and this weird threesome seems to affect his last attitude. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Expresso para Bordeaux" ("Express Train to Bordeaux")

Note: On 18 My 2019, I saw this film again. My new vote is eight.
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