Blandings (2013–2014)
1 February 2015
I'm clearly much more easily pleased than some of my fellow reviewers, because I *love* this production. The cast is wonderful - Timothy Spall is toweringly magnificent as Lord Emsworth (though we did wonder why they tidied him up so much in Series 2?), Jennifer Saunders is very fine as the glowering Connie ("Im going .. to my room!"), the terrific Jack Farthing pretty nearly steals the show as the eternally daffy Freddie, Julian Rhind-Tutt is great as as the rakish Galahad, and Robert Bathurst provides sterling support as Emsworth's nemesis, "Stinker" Parsloe ... and of course, The Empress is gorgeous. I admit I haven't read the Blandings books yet, but I've seen many previous Wodehouse adaptations, and the tone of this series seems spot-on to me, without being slavishly intent on capturing every tiny nuance and detail of the original stories. And of course the sumptuous Irish locations are splendid. The only slight disappointment for me was the loss of the wonderful Mark Williams after Series One ... Tim Vine does a good job in Series Two, but Williams was so utterly *perfect* as the bibulous Beach that some slight disappointment is inevitable, and Tim perhaps played him a little too 'straight' ... but hey, it's a very minor quibble. I think you'd have to be an inflexible Wodehouse purist, or just a very hard-hearted viewer, not to find a great deal to enjoy in the delightful series - well-played, well-written, well-made. My family and I loved it unabashedly and wanted to watch it all over again as soon as it was finished. Pure delight.
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