Doom Asylum (1987)
Delightfully so bad, it's good
1 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I know everyone knows the term, so good it's bad and I dunno why it took me so long to get round to seeing this little gem. Don't get me wrong but this isn't a masterpiece by any means, in fact it's totally the opposite, it's incredibly terrible. But there's something about it that's also highly enjoyable and just pure fun.

It opens with a young couple speeding down a countryside road, after the lawyer wins a 5 million court case, but after getting too caught up in their selves, the car crashes, leaving the girl dead and the man half dead. When he wakes up half of his face has been cut to shreds and he loses it and kills the doctors. Then 10 years later, he's hiding out in an old abandoned asylum where a group of teens and a trio of female rock band decide to party there, which angers the lawyer as he starts to pick them off one by one.

The horror stuff here is pretty standard, having the usual stalk and slash when members of the group go off on their own. The deaths are pretty good, even if the effects aren't up to standard, but there is a pretty decent body count. The movie never gets boring as it moves along at a rather quick pace and I also liked the way they injected humour into the plot, but what I didn't like were the scenes of the killer watching old black and white movies, as they seem to go on for a bit too long and just seemed unnecessary and pointless. But there is still fun to be had, and there are several hilarious scenes to be had like when one of the rock chicks fights with one the boys, it was hilarious and has to be seen to believe, then others that border beyond stupid, like the daydream scene with Darnell and the other rock chick running towards each other in slow motion, which was funny at first, but maybe used a bit too much, then towards the end when two of the characters are praying in the old church, despite the fact that a killer is on their tale and even the beginning with the car accident when the girl's hand is supposedly cut off, you can clearly see it underneath the grass, all this is just fun pure cheese and adds highly to the camp factor.

The cast, even though it was badly acted, but they still had fun with their roles and each and everyone brought something to the table. Firstly the killer (Michael Rogen) really stood out, he wasn't scary or menacing but more of a wisecracking villain, okay some of his dialogue wasn't funny or didn't work, he did make up for it with his inventive kills. The main girl Kiki/Judy played by Patty Mullen who also played the girl at the beginning was just gorgeous, her performance was very uneven, but she was still an interesting addition to the cast. Then there's Tina (Ruth Collins) who was just plain chewing the scenery and her over the top laugh was just hilarious and she really had lots of fun with the role and didn't take it too seriously. Also including another star before they were famous Kristin Davis who never seems to age, she looks the same here as she does now, she plays the sexy bookworm character quite well and has nasty death scene.

All in all if you're looking for scares and chills then "Doom Asylum" isn't for you, this is played more for laughs, but it works and has something likable about it.
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