Review of Julia X

Julia X (2011)
Unintentional comedy horror slashfest. Could have been so much better.
1 February 2015
Instructions: Try make it through the first 20 or so minutes. Stop shaking your head in disbelief - the feeling is endless. Give up hope immediately of any flash of smouldering ladyflesh. The storyline cries out for it but it never comes. Not even the bath scene. Sorry. Search the internet for whoever edited this horror, and check if he has recovered yet. At the time, the man was obviously very ill/stoned/deranged, or all three, probably! Search within you for a fun frame of mind. That way you'll find yourself laughing - slowly at first, and like the film, build to a bloody climax. Watch it with friends, popcorn and beer - lots of it. And suddenly the realisation will click into place. Yep, it's so much worse than bad - it's gorily brilliant! ENJOY!
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