They sure crammed a lot into one episode!
25 January 2015
"Tears of the Prophets" is an absolutely amazing episode, as more happens in this one that in many two-part episodes! It's absolutely jam-packed with plot, action and significant events--making it a must-see season six finale.

When the episode begins, the Federation thinks it's FINALLY about time to take the attack to the Dominion instead of fighting a defensive battle. The problem is that while the Klingons are ALWAYS ready to fight, the Romulans are happy to continue a defensive fight--so convincing them to join in is important. Oddly, however, just before departing DS9 for the fight, the Prophets tell Sisko not to go...but oddly, he goes anyway. Oops.

So, life on the station should be pretty routine, huh? Not exactly. Dukat is now possessed with the dreaded Pah-Wraiths and this possessed jerk is bound for the station--and it will mean the death of one of the crew remaining on the station.

Overall, this is a very exciting episode, though I am sure many were NOT happy to see a beloved series regular killed off. I didn't like it, but think killing a few regulars now and again isn't bad, as it heightens realism (it should NOT always be red shirts who die). Plus, I liked seeing that under a wig and some makeup, the leader of the Romulan fleet is David Birney--someone who folks of my generation should quickly notice and appreciate. Well worth seeing and mandatory viewing for fans of the series. And, incidentally, an excellent way to celebrate the 150th episode of the series.
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