Star Trek: Tomorrow Is Yesterday (1967)
Season 1, Episode 19
Those incriminating pictures
24 January 2015
For once a science fiction prediction was not only right in advances in the future, but they got the time just about right. During a warp in the space time continuum the Enterprise is thrown back to the present and of course two years after this episode was broadcast humankind did indeed go to the moon.

It's a time about right and the Enterprise after a bumpy ride finds itself over America 1967. It's spotted as a UFO by alert Air Force pilot Roger Perry. He's transported to the Enterprise, his craft destroyed in the desert. But he's got some nasty incriminating pictures that will confirm all those UFO rumors and really mess up the future.

I'm not at all convinced of the science in what they do, but eventually things get back to how they're supposed to be. I believe this is the first time William Shatner and the rest were thrown back in Earth's history, but it certainly wouldn't be the last in the series.

As for Perry you can't really blame him for acting as his military training has taught him. Imagination isn't exactly built into it.

Funniest bit is when Air Force MP Sergeant Hal Lynch is also beamed up as he's cornered George Takei when an away team is beamed down to retrieve those incriminating pictures. His reactions are priceless.
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