Copenhagen (2014)
Looks like it was written by a twenty-something with a fantasy
24 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
There is one redeeming feature in this movie - the beautiful city of Copenhagen which I hope to visit someday. Beyond that, we have a less- than convincing portrayal of a forbidden romance between Will, an American-born twenty- something and Effy, a Danish teenager, with the teenager pulling most of the strings. The ostensible reason for the film, which is the desire of of Will to meet his Danish grandfather for the first time, gets short shrift amid this contrived interplay between the two characters. Frankly, that story would have been more compelling. It was cutesy at some point, if that's your cup of tea.

Some misguided critics describe this as "coming of age" film. Who, exactly, is coming of age? One is an adult and the other is a child. Like many a young male adult, the writer seems to think it is okay to pursue a relationship with an underage teenage girl. There are potential clues as to her age, but Will manages to miss them, until it is convenient to discover them. He then offers a half-hearted resistance before engaging in an inappropriate nude scene (perhaps even sex) with her.
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