Breaking Bad: Cat's in the Bag... (2008)
Season 1, Episode 2
What to Do?
23 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Walter and Pinkman have a big problem with the corpses of Krazy-8 and his cousin Emilio. Walter plans to dispose them using acid to get rid of the bodies. But the problem increases when Krazy-8 awakes dazed and confused and flees from Pinkman's house. Meanwhile Skyler finds Walter's attitude strange and snoops his notebook, finding Pinkman's address. She presses Walter and he says that he buys marijuana with Pinkman. Skyler goes to his house when he is transporting Emilio's body from the RV to his house. She threatens Pinkman if he continues to sell marijuana to her husband. Walter returns to Pinkman's house with Krazy-8 but he does not have enough courage to execute him. Meanwhile Pinkman does not follow Walter's instructions to use acid in a plastic container and has a huge surprise at home.

"Cat's in the Bag..." is a funny episode of "Breaking Bad" with black humor to the best. Unfortunately the show has only given glances of Walter's previous life without developing well his behavior at home and at school, and the supporting characters. But anyway it is not difficult to see the changes in his behavior and understand the concerns of Skyler. Not there is a question: what to do with Krazy-8? My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Cat's in the Bag..."

Note: On 12 April 2015, I saw this episode again.
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