Review of Copenhagen

Copenhagen (2014)
Great Cast and Wonderful Thoughtful Movie
22 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Major spoilers below. This is a great movie if you like a mellow thoughtful drama.

Spoilers beyond this point.

This is what I thought about the movie: William was a damaged person who could never relate to women. Women found him attractive, but all he did through his whole life was have sex with them and throw them away.

When he was in Copenhagen he really needed Effy's help and he wanted to sleep with her badly, but when he found out she was 14 the fear of getting in trouble kept him from doing it, but then something else happened. Since the legality slowed him down he really had to get to know her and he really did love her deeply and not just as a girlfriend, he loved her as a person. She was his friend and girlfriend though unconsummated.

When they were in the hotel and she wanted to have sex with him he wanted to very badly, but I think at this point it was no the law that stopped him. What stopped him was that he really cared for her and he knew she was too young and it would be bad for her so he stopped himself.

I would guess Effy's motivations were that she never really had a father so she was attracted to older men. Like is hinted at in the movie in the beginning, 'she needed someone to lean on.' William was a poor choice but as I said above her age and the law slowed him down enough so that he became that better person that she could lean on.

Perhaps in some ways it seemed erratic at the time, but I think this came to a head when he punched her mother's boyfriend. she wasn't going to let anyone hurt her no matter what the consequences.

Effy taught him a lot too, she helped him live and grow and you see this in the final scene when he observes the two seas she was talking about.

I have to say that now that this is on Netflix it is quite likely that this will reach a wide, wide audience and that Frederikke is going to be a huge star. She has the looks, the voice, beautiful accent, and the screen presence to be a major, major actress. She can do anything she wants after this movie. I believe this is her "Winter's Bone." Other than Frederikke the whole cast and the entire movie is just wonderful. watching it for the second time right now.

For those that say this is about a man taking advantage of a 14 year old girl....that is the last thing it is. It is about this girl helping this man to not just become a man, but to become a good man and she succeeds, even if it was not her intention.

I'm giving this 9 out of 10 stars.
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