Review of Down Dog

Down Dog (2015 TV Movie)
Likable lead actor - supporting characters are all one-dimensional
22 January 2015
I watched this as one of the pilots on Amazon Prime. I get that the yoga "scene", particularly as it exists in LA, is ripe for satire. This attempt at skewering the ersatz enlightened is, however, too broad. The characters, other than the lead actor, are all stock sitcom cutouts. There is the wacky, slutty instructor who lives in a drug rehab halfway house. There is the guy buddy who is a therapist, you know the wacky kind of therapist friend. There is the Topanga Canyon hippie father, played by Kris Kristofferson, (who really looks bad by the way) who used to grow pot but has been run out of business by Medical Marijuana. There is the "totes" cool dude actor/yoga instructor and the whiny yoga instructor. You get the picture.

It's too bad, because it could be a decent show.
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