Review of G.O.D.

G.O.D. (2001)
It ain't bad
21 January 2015
For a movie that boasts starring David Carradine, Olivier Gruner and Jalal Merhi... It's actually not that bad.

Merhi delivers his best performance (which isn't saying much) and gives the best fight scenes he's ever had on screen.

Carradine is sleep-walking through the role, but is entertaining nonetheless. The guy has a presence that most action star these days would beg to have.

And Gruner, well, he is decent. He doesn't throw a single kick or punch in the flick - can the guy even fight? - but he's acceptable as a villain. Nothing special.

The real star was the director, who managed to make this an entertaining film despite the low budget. Props to him for making a pre-"Taken" movie before "Taken" even existed. This is a solid action flick with some really good fights and a decent storyline. It's worth checking out if you're a fan of the genre. I remember renting this on VHS when it came out and being quite surprised with it. So much so that I tracked down a DVD copy years later and watch it every now and then. It truly is one of the better direct-to-video action flicks of the time.

And that's saying something with Merhi in the lead.
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