Critical yet obvious error
22 January 2015
New York was known as New Amsterdam when the Dutch were there however when the English took it over they changed the name to New York, if I were write a blog and in it, made reference to New Amsterdam, most people would have no idea what city I was referring to! Likewise Ramses was known as Avaris, when the Jews were there however when Egyptians took it over they changed the name to Ramses!! Duh!! What an obvious and blatant mistake! How on earth could such renowned, educated and intelligent men and women in the field of archeology possibly be so stupid?? Furthermore it infuriates me when such individuals who have PhDs and are trained in the sciences to be professionals, act as if no one can point out there mistakes to them! And God forbid an amateur might actually know something that they don't! One should never let their persistence and passion turn into stubbornness and ignorance. Sorry for hyperventilating but this is ridicules!
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