The Flash: Revenge of the Rogues (2015)
Season 1, Episode 10
I Hope We're Not Enemies
20 January 2015
So the Flash has returned and much like Arrow's first two seasons, the first episode after the winter break was just okay. The Flash isn't the fastest man alive anymore as we now know of the Reverse Flash but his intentions are still unclear, as is his identity. I still think there is more to Harrison Wells' character. This show still has a ton of mystery surrounding what the second half of the season will have to offer but I'm nevertheless excited it's finally back.

Barry is now struggling with the famous superhero dilemma of trying to pay attention to all crime while also figuring out who the bigger threat is and how to balance the two. He also has to take down Captain Cold who makes his return to the show and once again doesn't have clear motivations. That's one of the problems so far this season is that most villains haven't had believable enough intentions to make me invested in the story lines. The Flash had plenty of help from his crew this week including giving Cisco the duty of presenting the defense weapon to the police force. To me it just seems like you would give somebody with more credibility or better presentation skills. I was also puzzled as to why the police would give back those weapons to Cisco and Star Labs, who just nearly killed thousands of people only a year ago.

Wells didn't play a huge part in this episode but he did have a few great scenes with Detective West and Barry. I have a feeling we are in for something big with Joe West and Wells by the end of the season. Their rivalry is building up well. And Wells' "I hope were not enemies" scene was just as revealing. I could be crazy but what if somehow Harrison Wells is actually Barry from the future? It's extremely far fetched but it would explain why he wants to keep Barry safe.

It seems like every comic book villain now-in-days copies Joker's threatening video message scenes. Captain Cold did the same with Caitlin Snow, who was the weekly damsel in distress, and it didn't do much for me. His character was interesting the first time but his relationship with Heat Wave felt pretty dull. I also didn't think the effects this week were all that great, especially the heat and cold guns. It was a solid episode with just a few very stupid character decisions. Panabaker has been a bright spot on the show so far but her storyline this week felt out of place. By the way was that a Batman comic Barry pulled out of his bag at his place?

+Great Barry, Detective West, and Wells scenes


+Wells & Barry "aren't" enemies

+Easter eggs

-Weird and irrational character decisions

-Why is Cisco getting these responsibilities?

-Cool villains turned out to be stupid

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