Preservation (2014)
Simple reasons why this film worked
11 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Pre Script: the system is not allowing me to correct the way the sentences are formed, hence all the weird spacing and whatnot. Plus I put spoiler alert just to cover myself, just in case there is some kina spoiler for those that are really intuitive. The options there, so I covered myself.

Now as most people always know or choose to believe, all that is written here and just about anywhere that a review is made, is an opinion. IM fine with folks thinking whatever they want if thats how it goes, but as for my feelings on this movie...I was pleasantly surprised with how good it was.

Now let me clarify for those types of folks whom are fans of the first person, cloverfieldy, paranormal whatever genre of horror...this is not that, nor is it blair witchy or like Your next.

To put it plainly, this film was a sorta cross between the strangers, most other woodsy stalker films and even had a kinda Bunnyman feel to it, but all done in a very realistic, not over the top, uber- Hollywood, tons of FX sense. It was just done as if a normal camping story and whats done was done well.

I enjoyed the characters and felt like I got to know them very quick considering how short a film this was, and it helped pull me in. Empathy is a big must for horror, let alone any genre of film. So I give it an 8/10, but perhaps somewhere more along the lines of a 7.5/10 juuust cause I liked it too much; one must also be their own harsh unbiased critic =p. CIAO kiddies!
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