Stick It (2006)
OK film, enjoyable but silly.
19 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this film, and thought it was quite good until it got silly. It was quite enjoyable nevertheless, but not to be taken seriously.

It is about a girl who is in court for trespassing and breaking a window, and as punishment is sent back to gymnastics training. I took it that Haley was very naturally talented and a bit of a prodigy. It didn't bother me that she hadn't trained for a few years, that can be looked past. I loved the narration when she was on the beam - 'pointless arms and stick your butt out'.

It showed Haley training in the gym and becoming more serious, until the film started to get silly.

Lines such as 'let us be in control of the scores' and 'the judges are just jealous'. No they are not! they are there to judge you, it's their job. You are there by your own free will and you judges are not making you do this (well in most circumstances). Plus comparing gymnastics to SEAL training isn't going to win any new fans, just anger people. They are two different kettles of fish.

Secondly, no one would ever have a mass scratch unless there was a big political reason. There is too much at stake and you can't be certain that the other gymnasts wouldn't break the pact and perform and then win. Of course you have to get marked down for something (I agree the uniform isn't the best one) otherwise we would have a string of perfect 10s again. Plus the break dancing on the beam? why? why waste your life's training? Why not compete the best you can and then question the unfair marks. That is what happens in reality and marks get changed.

If the film had focused on Haley's training and change of character it would have been more interesting instead of the cliché, unrealistic, silly ending.
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