Review of 28 Days

28 Days (2000)
What am I watching?
17 January 2015
This movie seems to have been made in a vacuum by people who have zero experience with the subject matter they are half-heartedly attempting to tackle. It seems if you were going to make a movie on the subject of rehab, alcoholism and addiction, you would at least consult with someone who had some experience with it. It is evident by scenes like her arrival at rehab and first lunch that the director and actors are working off of third hand knowledge of what it is really like. People that are experiencing a 30 day rehab do not look good, clean-cut and made up. It is a shame that a film like this saw the light of day. Movies such as this further perpetuate false stereotypes about addiction and recovery. It is a gut wrenching and emotional experience to go through and this film takes the gritty subject and transforms it into Shakespeare in love style rom com trash. It was a terrible movie.
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