Playhouse 90: The Plot to Kill Stalin (1958)
Season 3, Episode 1
Dive into the snake pit
17 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Terrific and terrifying show I am talking about. Of course many of us will probably say that it is pure propaganda. A sort of anti soviet piece of work. But how the hell could have it been different? Those events happened this very way. I guess nothing was invented. Stalin was a butcher, Soviet Union was a genuine meat chopper during his reign. A gigantic, monstrous meat chopper. And this awesome TV movie is an accurate and terrifying study of how the whole system worked. Suspicion and plots within plots among wolves, the wolves consuming one each other. A sequence is absolutely unforgettable, the one where one big army officer is asked by Eli Wallach's character - Beria I guess - how to get rid of Stalin, and then you find out that Stalin is just in the next room, listening to the conversation, in order to detect a potential traitor... And another scene is also worth watching: during a party full of high rate army officers and other politicians, one peeping tom spy watches through a hole in the wall, reading on the guests lips whilst they talk.

Yes, I am very happy to have caught such an excellent movie. So close to reality.

A deep dive into the evil pit. The darkest hours of Russia history.
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