This idea was interesting for about 30 seconds....
16 January 2015
"Der Anständige" is a film whose main idea is so insane that you wonder why it was made in the first place. Think about it--the film seems to be an attempt to humanize and show the 'nice-guy' side of Heinrich Himmler!!! Heck, as long as they were doing this, why didn't they do the same for Hitler. After all, he loved his dog!

Using Himmler's diaries and letters, the film shows a portrait of a monster who had a very human side. He had a wife and kids and worked hard to make something of himself. Sure, it was as the head of the SS and leader of the final solution...so I guess you gotta question why the film tried so hard to humanize him. But in addition to trying to do the impossible, the film also managed to be extremely dull and could have been much better had its goal been to show that evil can show a nice face on the surface. But instead, it almost seemed like an attempt to rehabilitate the memory of a man who is evil personified. Strange and impossible to enjoy or appreciate.

By the way, the American release of this was entitled "The Decent One"!!! Huh?!
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