Doctor Who: The Time of the Doctor (2013)
Season 8, Episode 0
10 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Matt Smith's regeneration episode was incredibly well handled. It is horrible that so many people hate on it. Moffet's writing was getting extremely dark and depressing, which is how he writes, but it began to get extreme in season 7. This episode in my opinion is more balanced. It blends darkness with a good amount of comedy and action, which is a blend I didn't expect. Moffat was continually portraying Matt Smith as getting old and worn out during the season, which people complained about, but I feel that was a good twist, a weary doctor who has seen to much and it has scarred his youthful face, and it ages him mentally, and in this epic conclusion he ages physically as he is forced over years to fight his worst enemies. It is the ultimate irony, to not spend your last years with loved ones or friends, but to spend your time slowly dining of old age fighting your worst enemies. Matt Smiths Acting was brilliant and Clara showed the scared and frightened girl, showing vulnerability, all wrapping together with a dramatic regeneration scene which had people complaining, but it really allowed him to really cut deep with his death but still have time in between to say memorable, very well written, last words, instead of a brisk, you were fantastic, or, I don't want to go, this controversial way of regeneration allows his enemies to share in the drama of the regeneration, and it is actually written in a way that it is used to defeat his enemies, not done before. And the final change is interesting as 11's spontaneous and inconsistent life ends with a fast bang, just as it should be.
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