An uplifting crime comedy from Hong Kong!
9 January 2015
This is a crime comedy starring Michael Hui as Inspector Chu, who is a bumbling police detective but nonetheless get assigned to find the kidnapped son of TV star Mrs. Lin (Sibelle Hui). Aiding Chu in the case is his snack-loving colleague Egg-Tart (Ricky Hui) and the Chief Inspector's daughter, Chiao-Chiao (Anita Mui).

As with most if not all films involving Michael Hui, comedy and humor are in abundance - tastefully done and certainly entertaining. Philip Chan did a great job directing and kept the plot going at a fast paced and assembled an endearing cast of characters. Michael and his brother Ricky make a great time as always. Anita Mui provided a bubbly, hilarious but committed detective role and Sibelle Hu provided a heartfelt and motherly role as Mrs. Lin.

The main plot of the detectives trying to locate the missing child is suspenseful and captivating and keeps you engaged throughout the movie. At the same time, the innocent of the children and the care-freeness/lightheartedness the detectives display to the worried family of the missing kid is heartwarming.

It's classic comedy missed in with drama, action and adventures. A must-see movie of any fan of Hong Kong films!

Grade A
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