Kristina Klebe caught my eye. She's has a lot going for her.
8 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The film starts out promising enough. The first 7 minutes are good. There's an old footage thing, then there's a group driving through some woods in a VW camper van, then 'typical' kicks in - the noise of a hunting rifle, Boom! a stranger looks into groups vehicle window (yes, there's a boom sound effect). One of cast says 'i have a bad feeling about this..' (isn't that a typical line from Star Wars?) The stranger wants a jump-start, and over act's the part, by acting over strange. Credit where credit is due, just as things started to look predictable, there's an unexpected twist.

Positives: The film looks good. Those behind the camera, the editors, have done a good job.

Kristina Klebe caught my eye. She's has a lot going for her. Without doubt, the strongest cast member.

Negatives: Sound is a mixed bag. Some of it fitting, while some of it sounds all too familiar. At times there's a lack of balance, and over-use of jingles.

The story tends to drift, my attention span was being tested. There's a real sense The Kiss of a Killer brought together a mix of talent, and lesser talented individuals.

Weak moments: Two of the group spot some metal barrels in the woods. The barrels look in good shape. The male attempts to open the lid on one of the barrels. He fails. So the female has a go, and guess what? she fails also. If the male couldn't manage it, how was the female expected to do better? If you're staying at a hotel, and looking around the place outside, why would anyone who discovered barrels, attempt to open them?

During another scene, a male and female are waiting outside the Hotel in the camper van. It's daytime. There is a don-king noise, no big deal really. They overreact, and lock themselves inside the camper? The engine cuts out, and the female goes mental. It's absurd. The male gets out to look at the engine, and they completely forget their fear of the don-king noise, once the engine starts. The bald killer shows up, and stabs the male before the female's eyes. She runs for her life, the bald killer keeps up with her by walking slowly (running is apparently not the killers style). In a completely unoriginal move, the female runs into a building, and to the safety of a smartly dressed type who is involved with the hotel. He is obviously a bad egg. To jump on the phone to the police might be top of the list, but no, the female sits down and has a cup of tea to clam down? FFS, SHE HAS JUST WITNESSED SOMEONE BEING STABBED AND BEEN CHASED BY A BLOOD SPLATTERED KILLER AND SHE SITS DOWN FOR A CUPPER?

Closing comment: Good effort, but ultimately, the story isn't all that.
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