The Saint becomes the sinner.....,
28 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Steven Berkoff interrupts a Gand of wannabe gangsters with those abhorrent faux Caribbean accents, trying to assault a young girl. After calling them a curse word that hasn't been heard since the seventies, the one from Eastenders walks on him for a few minutes, and Berkoff sadly expires.

Ian Ogilvy gets rudely awakened from his retirement, on hearing about Berkoff being killed, after all it's his brother. And in one monologue, we learn that these two brothers were The Krays of London, about the same time that The Krays were The Krays, and not The Kemps.

So he comes back from the Med, and calls up his old mates who were in lots of TV series and film in the eighties.......

Yes its Harry Brown meets Reservoir Old Dogs, and you can see the plot points and ending as soon as the credits roll, but these films are just meat and potato fodder, and they do you no harm once in a while.

The concept is Old School versus the gang with the horrible accents, and we all know who wins at the end.

But its nice to see the seasoned actors having a good old time with their grizzled voices and smugness, and although they were villains back in the day, you find yourself giving them empathy, because the E2 gang are just a bunch of morons you would want to slap, because of their lack of respect, and awful dress sense.

Did I mention their blooming irritating accents.

It's all good fun, ending with a shoot up in a hospital, and Alison Doody with so much cosmetic work done, you could swear she eventually found the Holy Grail.

Throwaway stuff, but when this sort of stuff is churned out every other week, its nice to find something that has had a little bit of effort put into it.

Worth watching if you like the genre.
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