To put it simply, this is a terrible film
20 December 2014
Come Back To Me is D grade film and that's putting it lightly. The idea behind this film is there and as a story, it holds up. But just because a story is there, that doesn't mean the film is a slam dunk and Come Back To Me proves that. The first on my laundry list of problems with this film is the clear disregard for any sort of realism in the story. Sarah is an accident victim at the tail end of recovery and Josh is a bartender taking double shifts to secure more tips...WHY IN THE HELL ARE THESE TWO IN A BEAUTIFUL LOOKING HOME?!?! Honestly, the home that these two characters live in is so unrealistic by any standards and it can't be ignored either considering that it plays a large part into the story. The film in general is a mess, relying on the most basic scares to send shivers up our spines but it just looks and feels lazy and sloppily put together. With a bland script including some of the worst dialog and banter I've ever heard, it is anyone's guess as to how this got a green-lit. And as for plot twists, you see them coming a mile away and it does ruin any hopes of the film redeeming itself with some crazy twist that makes these events make any sense but it doesn't. As for the acting, it couldn't be anymore wooden and fake. It looks and feels like a soap opera and judging from the director's previous film and media ventures, it looks like that was what was intended for some unknown crazy reason. The music is cheesy and very garage band-sounding. In a horror film, the music is the most important part. It makes or breaks a film and in this case it is simply adding insult to injury. The cinematography is decent and the film looks really sharp but the color tones shift a lot throughout the course of the film and it becomes distracting after the first 20 minutes. Overall, this is a horrendous film and makes me wish I was as smart as some other people and just turned it off. If you think you can maybe sink into this film in hopes of being good, you'll be waiting...and waiting...and waiting until the credits roll and then you realized you wasted 96minutes of your life on something that doesn't deserve to see the light of day.
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