Remember Me (2014)
20 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
We watched the first episode and it was creepy and held a lot of potential... but then it failed dismally. Episode two was so boring that none of us wanted to see or cared about the third part. But when you've watched two you might as well see all of them. Big mistake. We ended up laughing at most of it. None of it made sense and most of the characters reactions were completely unrealistic. For instance the young boy was on a swing when suddenly it stopped mid air and he jumps off, turns around and sees the ghost sitting on it. Usual reaction would be to run off shrieking or 'look like you've just seen a ghost'. But no, he just walks off slowly to the others and doesn't even mention it. Who wrote this big pile of rubbish? The main young girl in it, the carer - can't remember her name and I can't even be bothered to look up her name, spends about 90% of the episodes crying. It's just so bad... don't bother watching it. There are so many good dramas out there and this doesn't rate amongst them!
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