Clarence (2013–2018)
Holy sh*t this sucks
19 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
OK where do I start. ITS HORRIBLE! For one is one of the episodes he hears pizza crusts that God knows where its been, he eats one and he goes on a LSD trip (LSD is a drug, don't do drugs people) and he's like 9 or 10 maybe 8 he should know better. His "Dad" is a f*cking moron, and one of his friends looks like he IS actually on drugs and he does live in a crappy mobile home. For God's sake if your going to make a kids show don't have one character eat food off someone's plate. My time is better spent out side or watching paint dry. I'd rather be bored out of my mind than watch this crap. Your time is better spent doing anything ANYTHING than watching this. Oh and that episode that I mentioned earlier his mom lets them go to an arcade by them selves, what mother does that with out giving there child a phone?!?! A pedophile could have been there! God why do you people like it WHY it's an abomination of T.V. it's not funny at all! A game series on YouTube is more original than this, AND IM TALKING ABOUT "MINECRAFT" ONE OF THE MOST THINGS I'VE SEEN ON YOUTUBE!
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