Ascension (2014)
Stick With It Until the End of Part 3
18 December 2014
After the first 20 minutes of the first episode, I wanted to turn it off. It was unrealistic, stupid, and not worth my time. I'm so glad I was wrong.

The premise of large distance space travel has always intrigued me thus drawing my attention to this show. The show starts with a murder mystery after 50 years of tranquility. Nobody on the ship knows how to investigate a murder and the investigation becomes part of something larger than one person. The story quickly broadens to include the 600 or so people on-ship and the process they go through to survive a deep space mission. Its 60's-esque theme coupled with technology that aids in space travel seemed strange to me, but as the show goes on, it becomes much more clear why. If you can let go of your expectations of what the show should be and what is "realistic" or not, you'll find this show enjoyable.

After the ending to part 3 of the mini-series, I am very excited to continue watching this show if it goes beyond these first 3 parts. The surprises 'Ascension' has in store for viewers are pretty dang good. Watch until the end of Part 3!!!
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