Redirected (2014)
Another untrustworthy IMDb score
16 December 2014
I was really looking forward to this, especially after seeing the cracking score it had on IMDb... but terminal boredom set in after 20 minutes and I was wishing I'd watched something more interesting... like grass growing!

I try to like English films but this one was a total disaster!

I know I'm going to get a load of dislikes from paid reviewers but I wouldn't give this more than 4/10, and that's being generous!

Where do these scores come from, and how much do they cost to buy?

It's getting to the stage where I can no longer trust IMDb reviews and scores, as it's quite obvious that this score wasn't obtained in the normal manner (where people rate something based on how crap it isn't)

Do yourself a favour and watch something that isn't this.
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