Relic Hunter: Arthur's Cross (2002)
Season 3, Episode 17
Murder case
16 December 2014
Dear Nigel, after 3 years with Sydney, you are still trying to stop her from going on a treasure hunt by saying „we've got a lot of work at the office to do", you can't be serious? Of course, that doesn't work, so off they go to England. An inspector of Scotland Yard shows them the body of a man killed by a „blunt object", presumably a relic from the 5th century. Sydney finds a part of an inscription that makes her believe the relic might be nothing less than the cross of King Arthur. Inspector Doyle is happy to hear that, because he knows the body was found in an old abbey which might be the hiding-place of the cross – but of course, the murderer will be lurking nearby! Thus Sydney and Nigel start their investigation more carefully with the widow, and then several suspects present themselves...

Crime, suspense, mystery, quality acting (Ken Drury as the inspector, Michael Culkin as Hubbard, Ruth Platt as Sarah, Emily Bruni as Emma, perfect cast!) and last not least the British locations – a really good episode.
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