testing on an American this weekend
11 December 2014
we are testing this on an American friend of ours who has not seen the show this weekend. unleash dog river ! the first time my mother and I saw it was great. then when I thought of it, it was more of an event - like boyhood, but not as long and well you know what I mean. there's a juxtaposition between the two. okay well onward. that small town story is all you need to do well here. complete with a well-meaning mayor and a good dose of wullertonites (pfff!). (it's a thing). and parodies of retirement, casinos, cheesy entertainment, cluelessness, helicopter parenting, doomsday preppers, community hi-jackers, corporate scumbags, well meaning Canadian donut franchises...I can't spoil this for you. I stop now.
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