Littlest Pet Shop (2012–2022)
Decent enough
12 December 2014
LPS is just good enough to be watchable. Many of the characters have interesting personalities, quirks, or behaviors while others are just annoying, bland, or stereotypical. For example I found Sunil and Vinne grating to watch while Russel, Minka, and Pepper were interesting and fun. The plots and musical numbers fall into a similar catch or miss territory as well. I found myself skipping entire scenes or episodes but laughing at and replaying others. If you are interested in watching it as a test run I would recommend watching S1 EP15 (Topped with Buttercream), S1 EP23 (Door Jammed), and S2 EP18(Grounded).

Most episodes contain two parallel stories which alternate usually focusing on both Blythe and the Pet-shop pets. They follow a slice of life format with the occasional minor antagonist like the Biskit twins or a new guest at the pet-shop. Most problems are usually a result of someone blowing something way out of proportions and resolved with relatively little struggle. This show does fall into many overdone tropes but they are relatively painless in most cases. Overall it's a decent show with a issue or two but nothing bad enough to ruin it.
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