It's a lonely walk down Half Moon Street
9 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Half Moon Street may have innocently and intentionally aspired to be a great compelling and well-rounded suspenseful and intriguing noir adaptation thriller, (Whoo, take a second to breathe... It basically is) but it incidentally and inevitably hurriedly became an all out sexy tribute to Sigourney Weaver. This incredible leading lady plays one incredible leading lady. Sigourney Weaver looks so hot in this movie when her clothes are on or off. (I like them off.) The nudity from Half Moon Street is outstanding, and Sigourney makes it way better than you can handle. The particular nude scene when Sigourney is cycling topless and working out on the exercise bike and then she's naked and into the shower to rinse off is (please finish this sentence!). And with all due respect to all of the things all going on around Sigourney's beautiful lead, very nice. Sigourney Weaver is something special, I mean that. She is the most beautiful woman that I have ever met in my life. Well I mean, we haven't ever actually met like really met met in real life, person to person, face to face, (cheek to cheek), but it feels like it. (I love you, Sigourney Weaver!! You look good.) Sigourney's beauty and attractiveness is not only skin deep. My word, who is this handsome and curious looking fellow whom keeps appearing and reappearing alongside Miss Weaver from time to time credited to the name of Michael Caine? Michael Caine? Never heard of him. He looks miserable. The super pretty Sigourney Weaver makes Half Moon Street so so good. On second thought, maybe this Michael Caine guy ain't so bad. And lastly, at one point in Half Moon Street, Dr. Lauren Slaughter seducingly remarks ''I'll dazzle him with my with wit'', um, Sigourney, (Uhm hum, uhm hum), you dazzle me with your wit (and your beauty!). I love her hair in this movie.
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