Ridley. You are no Mel Gibson!
8 December 2014
What a waste of my time and money this movie was. Just feels wrong from start to finish. A fake epic devoid of any real emotions and soul.

Wish Mr. Scott has the courage someone like Mel Gibson had when he made this movie. Passion Of The Christ & Apocalypto are prime examples of a director willing to risk everything for what he believes in(even if you disagree with it). And after watching this film. I can safely say Ridley only believes in money.

Moses & Ramesses should've been played by middle eastern actors. Christian Bale should've played Moses' brother Aaron(according to old scriptures, he did most of the talking for Moses). While John Turturro & Sigourney Weaver casting was just plain wrong!

The story has been told so many times and it would've been much better if Ridley told the story of the Hebrews after leaving Egypt. Their 40- year Sinai plight for example. Started the film with the plagues & the Red Sea parting, then took off from there to show us events not many know of.

Don't waste your money on this. Wait for the director's cut then rent it. Maybe Mr. Scott can save this from the $4.99 shelf.
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