7 December 2014
"Zankyou no Terror" is truly a masterpiece. It handles moral ambiguity and anti-heroism with rarely seen grace. It is respectful to the characters, fleshing them out, highlighting the good, the bad, and the ugly alike. It is respectful to the viewers, allowing them to come to their own conclusions about the characters, or the moral justification of their actions. It is powerful enough on its own to allow the viewers to feel emotion naturally, rather than forcing the characters' emotion onto them. The plot is beautiful and excellently executed. The ending leaves the viewers with a sense of satisfaction and hope, rather than leaving them feeling like there was more to be done or said. The voice acting is wonderful, minus failed attempts at "Engrish" a number of times. Elements of the animation, such as the dynamic lighting and imperfect "camerawork," give it a very realistic atmosphere. The soundtrack is excellent, complementing the atmosphere of each scene flawlessly. "Zankyou no Terror" is a work of art that should not be missed!
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