I'm No Angel (1933)
"Find 'em, fool 'em, and forget 'em!"
5 December 2014
A circus performer (Mae West) lives by her horoscope, which tells her she is destined to fall for a wealthy man with dark hair and brown eyes. When a man comes along who fits that description, she thinks he's the one. Then she meets his friend (Cary Grant) and falls for him. This is the second starring film for Mae West after She Done Him Wrong. Both were released in 1933 and both costar Cary Grant. Many people think 'She' is the better film but I prefer this one. It's less stagy, the story's better, and Mae has more funny lines. 'She' had some funny spots but it mostly just felt like an exercise in vanity for Mae. This is directed by Wesley Ruggles, younger brother of wonderful character actor Charlie Ruggles. How much you'll like this depends on how you feel about Mae West. Chubby and middle-aged horny women aren't exactly the stuff of sex symbols today. I confess I don't find her particularly appealing but I give her points for self-confidence. I also give her points for talent. At a time when it was very uncommon, she was a comedienne who both wrote and starred in her own movies. Regardless of how you feel about her brand of comedy, at least she was her own woman and not the creation of the Hollywood PR machine.

It's a pretty good movie. Mae's funny and she also sings...but the less said about that the better. Cary Grant is fine here. He doesn't show up until over halfway through the picture and he doesn't get anything funny to do. Edward Arnold has a small part. The story takes a few more twists and turns than your average comedy for the period. Mae West fans will certainly like it. Cary Grant fans might want to see it just to catch him early in his career.
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