Jingle All the Way 2 (2014 Video)
There are 2 types of people
3 December 2014
Those who loved Jingle all the Way and those who hated it.... finally they have something they can agree on... and that is that this movie was a train wreck that should have never happened. I personally loved the first one... it wasn't a great story but it had a charm to it, funny moments and over the top silliness.... This movie basically had a similar event involving a super popular toy, thats where the similarities end as any attempts at humor fell flat. WWE was the movie company behind this so its no surprise that no one in the movie made any effort to act (Much like in Leprechaun: Origin), I find it amazing that professional wrestlers are more convincing actors then the actors they get for their movies. I'm still wondering how after watching this movie Larry is considered a comedian, nothing he said in the film was funny, in fact a few of his jokes made an already unfunny scene... well... uncomfortable. Basically the plot is Larry is the dad of a girl whose mom married some other guy who has it out for him so there both trying to get this toy bear that records the person's name and says it. Then Larry (pretty lazily compared to Arnold) spends the majority of the movie doing stuff trying to get the toy. The big thing missing was direct cut throat competition though the way Arnold had with Sinbad, Brian Stepnek wasn't going head to head with Larry at all. The fact that Larry was divorced also left the whole conflict with an affair brewing the way their was in the original with Arnold's wife and Phil Hartmen. The attempts at over the top humor just weren't there and the movie was boring almost to the point of being a sleep aid. Anyway if your looking for a movie for really young kids, it has nothing really offensive in it (unless you consider a movie pretending to be a comedy and then turning out to be a tedious watch offensive)
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