The Flash: Flash vs. Arrow (2014)
Season 1, Episode 8
3 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"Flash vs. Arrow" is the 1st part of a 2 part crossover between the 2 titular CW shows. Does it deliver? It mostly does with a fair amount of well executed moments leading to a satisfying episode.

The episode kicks off with (of course) another new meta-human. This peculiar meta- human has the ability to change the state of a person and make him/her lose their minds and become angry. Right off the bat, you know this'll play a large role in the quarrel between the two heroes judging by the abilities of the meta-human alone. Then, out of nowhere the Arrow appears, which leaves you wondering where the hell he was when situations like these happen (like every previous Flash episode), then again he's here for the crossover so let's take that off our minds for a while. The episode did a great job showing the difference and conflict between the two shows and superheroes, Flash's more fast paced and fun ride, and Arrow's serious and more mature tone. Their scenes together gave way to more development to the characters which is most probably why this 2 part crossover was made besides a treat for the many fans out there. The quarrel between The Flash's team and Arrow's team was also a fun watch. The scenes for Iris and Eddie were uninteresting and bland as usual, which begs the question why the show still consistently goes for this route and why not just scrap the idea and give us more Flash and Arrow scenes instead of them? As for the plot, it was fairly simple. A new meta-human rises, The Flash is affected by the meta-human, The Flash turns evil, he gets on a battle with Arrow. The scenes wherein Barry was evil seemed too cliché and reminded me more of a certain movie *cough* Spider-Man 3 *cough*. The CGI and action sequences were the highlights of the episode. More of The Flash's abilities were shown in a very cool fashion. Whenever an action sequence goes on slow motion, the CGI remains intact and superb. Going back to the protagonist of the episode, he was useless for the most part. He was only there to provide the conflict between the two heroes, and then he just disappears from the interest of the audience. He disappears so much that in the end, he just gets captured without even showing how they did it, oh well it doesn't matter as long as we got a battle between the two heroes right geeks?

Overall, geeks (admittedly like myself) will continuously praise this episode and the next one tomorrow. If you love The Flash or Arrow, you'll most likely like this episode, or be underwhelmed.

+Geeks and fans will love this one +The Flash and Arrow scenes showing the contrast between the two characters +The Flash's team and Arrow's team together -Iris and Eddie's useless show +Flash and Arrow training and battles +CGI and Action were top notch -Barry going evil a bit too cliché -Protagonist was wasted and was just a key to open a Flash and Arrow battle

Verdict: 9.0/10
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