The Flash: Flash vs. Arrow (2014)
Season 1, Episode 8
You're Fast
2 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Finally, the episode we have all been waiting for. The beginning of the two night crossover between Arrow and The Flash kicked out with a bang. And although it was strange at times seeing all of the characters from two tonally different shows combine, I was as impressed with how much I geeked out over it.

The villain, Chroma, was mostly overshadowed by the presence of the Arrow cast. But he did his job in creating a compelling conflict between the two. Their relationship throughout the 40 minutes was very similar to Batman and Superman. I wasn't too much of a fan of the cheesy intro Arrow had, but the fight was absolutely incredible. It actually reminded me a lot of the video game Injustice and how all the characters, although not equal with powers, have equal battles. I wish we had more than a 5 minute fight though. Take out all of the Iris-Eddie scenes. If you think about it she really didn't need to be in the episode, besides serving as Barry's Felicity. Although Iris is as whiny as Laurel once was in Arrow.

Seeing Diggle and Felicity was great. As usual they had the most laugh out loud lines, but also serve to what the audience is actually thinking. Diggle drooling over Flash was equally as hilarious. His conversation with Cisco about who will win was true comic-book dialogue. Speaking of dialogue, with the amount of characters involved with this episode I loved all the quick lines and the camera panning around to everyone. It was just really well directed. The training scene was also really well done. Not only was Arrow much like Batman, but the music combined both the Arrow and Flash scores. Being a score fanatic, it was just incredible to hear.

The ending was full with reveals. First was Olivers speech to team Flash about his secret identity. I really hate that all these people know who he is, it diminishes that cool aspect about his character. Nonetheless how funny was it that Oliver ended up suspecting Wells was up to something? Then came a few shoehorned scenes that I still found very interesting. The scene with Oliver and his former girlfriend felt off, especially because he doesn't actually find out that he has a baby. The Firestorm scene was also cool, but really only because it's Stephen Amell's cousin Robbie playing him. But I am interesting to see how they involve him in the show and his role going forward. Even with how cheesy this episode was, it was overall the best episode so far of The Flash.

+Totally geeked out over this crossover

+Flash & Arrow acting like Batman & Superman

+Fight scene +Diggles lines

+A lot of characters = quick dialogue

+Combining Blake Neely's scores

+Oliver suspects Wells


-Iris & Eddie scenes

-No secret identity

-Shoehorned in scenes

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