Tracker (2010)
Absorbing, character driven adventure drama.
30 November 2014
Boer War veteran Arjan Van Diemen (Ray Winstone), an Afrikaner who has lost everything at the hands of the British, including his family and farm, lands in New Zealand. A superb tracker and thorn in the side of the British during the war, Van Diemen nevertheless is facing an uncertain future. Ironically, he accepts an offer from former foe Major Pritchard Carlysle (Gareth Reeves) to help hunt down and apprehend a fugitive Maori sailor (Temuera Morrison) who has been accused of murder. Venturing deep into the dominion from the coast, Arjan soon finds himself struggling with not only a formidable quarry, but also his own conscience.

Somewhat overlooked upon release and since, Tracker really does deserve a more elevated status. With a well written script and to the point story line, the film quickly demand the viewer's attention. The characters are well fleshed out, with interesting and sympathetic back stories. Veteran director Ian Sharp handles the tale very well indeed, showing strong technical ability and a polished style but without the need for flashy gimmicks or pointless editing. Crucially, he lets the story flow seamlessly and brings out the best in his talented cast.

Performances are truly excellent throughout, with both Winstone and Morrison utilising their considerable screen presences to great effect without ever becoming overbearing. Winstone, a truly underrated actor in my opinion, brings Van Diemen's inner turmoil and sorrow subtly home, as well as providing a convincingly thick Afrikaans accent. Morrison is equally as good as a man beset by his own demons, eliciting sympathy and respect without overacting. The leads are well supported by the rest of the cast, with Reeves as the respectful Major and Andy Anderson as local tracker Bryce being particular highlights.

Of course, the other star of the show is the wonderful New Zealand scenery. The locations are quite simply breathtaking. Harvey Harrison's cinematography is extraordinary well judged, with each scene set against tremendous backdrops that give Tracker a look and feel like few other movies. Mixed with subtle post-production, you quickly find yourself eagerly awaiting the next stunning location.

The only real criticism to make is that the story arc is sometimes predictable, however this is a minor quibble as Tracker is an exceptionally well made and beautifully shot piece of work. Add in it's splendid performances and you have a truly absorbing, well told and refreshingly unpretentious dramatic adventure that deserves to find itself a greater audience.
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