Greatest Cat Christmas Movie of ALL TIME.
30 November 2014
Seriously this movie is incredible. Aubrey Plaza is flawless and Tardar Sauce is adorable and the fact that the movie pokes fun at itself for being a joke is great. 10/10 will watch again forever because I DVR'd it to never delete.

Honestly, it's exactly what you'd expect a movie about an internet famous cat meme to be. It's not Titanic, it's not Inception, it's not Forrest Gump. It's a tail (haha, get it) of a monotone voiced munchkin cat's Christmas shenanigans and it is PURRFECT. Classic Christmas movie antics with 10x the feline and goofy talking animals. Be thankful they didn't animate their mouths moving when they spoke.

Just give it a try, it's cute and you have nothing to lose.
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