Too funny for words!
24 November 2014
I laughed so hard that noise didn't come out of my mouth. This movie brought back so many wonderful childhood memories because the situations were realistic and probably common to most of us. My husband stayed awake through it all, and I know it had to be entertaining to keep his attention.

It was a joy seeing the local High School being used in the movie. I also enjoyed all the vintage design elements of the 1960's era; the way the kitchen table was set, clothing, hairstyles, Christmas decorations, cars, etc. I know we take these elements for granted when we see a film, but these folks really thought things through to the tiniest details.

The cast did a great job. We were especially impressed with the children because they were so believable in their parts. Wally Lamb's upbeat personality showed through in his book and in this movie. He acknowledged that he included a little bit of his own childhood.

We all have our favorite Christmas movies; ones that we enjoy seeing with family and friends, movies that inspire us and help us reflect on what's important in life. I think Wishin And Hopin could be the new Christmas classic because it meets all that criteria.
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