Doctor Who: Planet of Evil: Part Four (1975)
Season 13, Episode 8
Mind over anti-matter.
24 November 2014
Review of all 4 episodes:

This story has The Doctor and Sarah arriving on a planet which is the meeting of our universe with the universe of antimatter. A scientist, Sorenson, is dangerously trying to use antimatter as a limitless power source and the planet has forces within it that manifest as an antimatter monster to try to stop the two universes being brought together into destruction. The crew of a rescue ship are caught up in this and are being killed one by one as The Doctor gets involved and becomes the figure of blame (as usual).

There is great action and dialogue along the way and a thoroughly entertaining adventure. It has strong horror themes of a monster attacking people and the killings themselves are properly horrific with gruesome corpses left behind. This is fantastic and effective. There are also other horror themes similar to Jekyll & Hyde as a human is transformed back and forth into a monster. This again is a powerful idea that works well. We also get the addition of big science fiction ideas with anti-matter, scientific exploration and space travel and whilst this is baffling it is fascinating and satisfying too. There are some similarities with Forbidden Planet and because it is done so well here the comparison is a good one. The technology we see in this futuristic setting is pretty well done, the planet itself is very well realised on screen and the effects are decent. The dynamics of the crew add further qualities as Salamar and Vishinsky clash.

The plot involves complex science which sometimes leaves you scratching your head but is also just really good fun in terms of menacing monsters and character interplay. The script also has intelligent dialogue which is delivered well. Writer Louis Marks and director David Maloney have delivered really well, not for the first time.

The acting is excellent throughout with Ewen Solon and Frederick Jaeger particularly good as Vishinsky and Sorenson. Tom Baker is on his usual electrifying form for this era, lighting up the screen at every moment. Lis Sladen is wonderful as Sarah Jane and it is again noticeable what a strong female character she is compared to the usual screaming damsel in distress. Sarah Jane is brave, intelligent and independent. When the Doctor falls into a pit she does not scream or react hysterically, she just exclaims "Doctor!" then goes to rescue him herself when nobody else does.

This is top class sci-fi mixed with a Hammer-Horror style story. It is engrossing, thrilling and has very high standards in all departments.

My ratings: All 4 episodes 10/10.
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