100 Things To Do Before Highschool
20 November 2014
On a growing list of fun shows! You, your kids, your friends, your kids' friends have a new show to try not to miss. You guys! The story is told as a memory of the young lady , C.J. , who is the heroine, her singing dream reveals some terrible truths about life, getting older, moving on and losing friends and associates dear to you in your youth... and she sets out to be rather than a victim of time -the master of the craft... via the first of 100 things to do before she , they , each , we , all get to be adult....the acting, actress and actors and the adults here are best, best, best. The action is nearly hilarious as the twists and turns, top notch.This may be the finest of silly and "moralistic" teen adventures as i tell you by way of prediction it shall grow on you. And you shall be glad for it.
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