An excellent example of environmentalism controlling children again
18 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Let's see, first there was Ferngully: the Last Rainforest, Captain Planet, Toxic Crusaders, Blinky Bill, and now this thing! Was the 1990's the era of ecophiles or something? If I actually cared about the environment, which I don't (I love polluting things on purpose), I still wouldn't ever be interested in watching this again! Once Upon A Forest is like if you tossed Ferngully and The Secret of N.I.M.H. in a blender together. The "poor little adorable baby animals try to help their friend, who was poisoned by Satanic industrious evil monsters... humans." Huh, I wonder if the movie company feels at all responsible every time a child watches this and then starts asking their mother or father, "Daddy, you drive a car and work in a factory, and mommy, you use pesticides. Are we monsters?" ...Maybe that's a question I'd better let the enviro-freaks answer.

But it wasn't even the environmental propaganda that was as bad as the cheap animation, corny, sappy soundtrack and biased themes! Not to mention it's aimed at little kids, it'll either scare them or bore them but I have yet to meet a kid who cares about saving trees. Kids want entertainment, not greener rainforests and recycled bottles, for crying out loud! And how much plastic was used in all the DVD and VHS copies of this movie? The voice acting, that was just plain weird. It was like a really bad eco-friendly Disney rip-off. I recommend you only watch it for nostalgic value (if you were ever forced to watch it growing up), and show your kids something better, something educational but not brainwashing, or just show them something fun! Kids aren't political scientists, they're not doctors, they're not environmental alarmists, they just want to watch something funny and interesting. Don't subject them to this stuff.
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