This movie made me cry (and I hardly ever cry)
17 November 2014
I can't believe how rude some people can be, this movie was so beautiful to me and I had to create an account because I want to offer my support against the haters.

I can see how the movie might seem slow to some. This isn't your typical movie with unrealistic drama at every corner. It is so emotional and relatable because it shows something everyone (well most everyone) has gone through. Breakups can be so heartbreaking, and all of the elements of this movie come together to convey that with aching subtlety. It is rare that you see a film that can make you feel so many things with just one look the actress gives or one strategically placed piano note. Shannon (Zoe) is especially gifted, her range of emotion is incredibly refreshing.

I never cry during movies, but this one really took me by surprise. So much tension builds up, and you see these two people who were once in love now fighting with each other and so angry. You start to find out how it all fell apart, but also without actually seeing the moment they fell in love. Then they hit you with that moment and you finally understand why they are so hurt. That scene was so incredible beautiful, and I credit both ladies for how amazing they did at appearing so in love. So many movies you see people fall in love and it doesn't look real. The culmination of that scene is what really got me to shed a few tears. I thought it would have been some sort of crazy inception situation where the actresses fell in love while filming the scene where they fell in love. I doubt that happened, but it would have been cool.

Anyway, I recommend this movie to anyone who has been through heartbreak. Anyone who appreciates beautiful acting in a film that pays attention to every fine detail. Everyone involved in the movie really did an amazing job. Thank you for making me feel this way because it is something I really needed.
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