Wanted to love this movie
15 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Well-intentioned, but uneven story. The beginning is very contrived, with meet cutes between Myles and Vanessa, and it was very preachy. Vanessa's father in the story was very bland, and far too trusting to let a "thug" get close to his daughter that quickly. Even Vanessa was too trusting of Myles, a bad message to teach our children- the believer rarely wins over the non-believer in real life.

As a Christian, I really wanted to love this movie. Too many Christian films try to hammer the message home so obviously, they become caricatures.

The latter part of the movie gets better, there is more genuine emotional turmoil. I don't know why they used a random car accident later in the story, when it would've been better if they used a violent gunfight to put Vanessa in jeopardy. I do like the scene with Myles and Vanessa's mom towards the end. I think having the FBI agent McDaniels talk about his own faith was a little late in the story, and seemed contrived. The message of redemption is great, but events just seemed to fall into place too easily. Not a bad film, but not very good either.
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