Alien: Isolation (2014 Video Game)
This game is something else!
15 November 2014
Unlike most reviewers I have read from, I have neither played Aliens: Colonial Marines nor watched the original Aliens movie, so I do not have any real references to compare to. The only "horror" game I had played before this was Alan Wake - an excellent game in its own right. Alien: Isolation, however, is something else. It is not just a horror game, heck, it is not even just a game, it is an experience that has to be felt to be believed.

I started off at Medium difficulty, which I bet is the perfect choice for your first playthrough. Judging by the atmosphere and the survival-oriented resources, I quickly understood I had to play an excellent stealth game, which I did - crafting items, conserving ammo, never making a sound. All good until the Alien took me down for the first time - I was creeping through a vent, but with the Alien lurking around, I had made a bit too much noise before entering it. Suddenly, the Alien hopped down behind me with that terrifying metallic thud. It uttered its customary terrifying squeal and dragged me by my feet before I knew it, game over! I had headphones on with the volume turned up and it was 3 in the night, so it was apt that all my composure went for a toss - I was short of breath, my hands were suddenly cold & trembling and I could not resume playing without taking a break. No game has ever done this to me, and I doubt any game ever will. It is so good! The game is challenging, and I'd definitely say it is not meant for everyone. But, it is a masterpiece, there is no doubt about it. I have never played a game with such depth of atmosphere - the excellent graphics (e.g. the most realistic rendering of fire ever, period!) and the unbelievable sound design come together to create one of the best game worlds I have ever experienced. If nothing else, this game sets the precedent for truly immersive worlds in the gaming industry. Combined with the stealth-oriented crafting-based survival gameplay and an intelligent, deadly monster, this game is a blockbuster of sorts.

The game is not perfect though - the story could be much more taut and the human character models could be more lifelike. But, these factors take away only half a point from what is essentially a 10/10 game, just for the experience it provides.

I highly recommend this game to not just survival horror fans, but also anyone who wants to have an other-worldly, surreal experience in a game. Play before you die!
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