Coming of age, or revisiting, or mid life boredom
10 November 2014
All involved do a great job. Unsettling pace/rhythm which the dialogue delivers spot on, keeping this underlying level of unease and strange edge of seatness even though this is dialogue driven, not action or cgi or such, though it does not leave one missing such. Well put together. A subtle end delivers contentment, but this is not a kid or 1st date type of comedy and movie. It's a movie that while often you feel one thing, the characters are saying just the opposite. Smart and delivered with continued wonderful but tense rhythm. Michael Knowles both acts and directs in the movie, which is no trouble and probably the best decision as why stand behind the characters when you can sit with them? Watch this and "The trouble with bliss" his prior movie I believe, which was hilarious funny, not oh s3!* funny:), and you'll see and hear the directors style, or shaping of things. Very cool.
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