Endless Love (2014)
Gentle treatment gives it its magic
13 November 2014
Many reviews criticise this title for being a cliché or being unoriginal or being too normal. And that is exactly what gave this movie it's magic.

Sometimes being human and being in love is much less that finding some deeper insight and more about just struggling though circumstances as best we can. There is a movie for everyone and not all stories needs to be grossly intense and over engineered. The production value was of a good quality and I fail to see why so many reviews would give this movie such low scores – maybe because they were not able to appreciate the simplicity of this film?

It is in its lightness and simplicity that its ability to reach an audience lies. It is true to itself and though yes, it can be too soft at times, I suspect that is exactly what the viewer wants when (s)he takes a title like "endless love" off the DVD shelf. The story moves at a very good pace, the acting is placed just right and all the elements works together to make a very engaging experience. It is not quite a chick flick, neither is it a film that is going to race at the Tribeca Film Festival. But I think it was written with gentleness and care. It was directed and acted with a sense of maturity and the viewer do get the feeling that the film maker understood the subject very deeply and if merely by that he reached an audience and gave them a deeper insight into the issues they are dealing with in their own lives, it is a successful piece of work.

There is absolutely NOTHING offensive about this movie and though I was not moved to tears, it did not fail to touch me none the less. I can say this many times – not every time I watch a film, do I want to step away with the heavy emotional content of Schindler's List and neither do I want to start awarding Oscars for best performances. Some days all I want it to walk away and feel that I have seen a story worth watching, that was done with respect and that understands life.

And that Endless Love surely does.
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