"The Hook-up Reverberation" was a fine ep of "The Big Bang Theory"
11 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This ep of "The Big Bang Theory" in a nutshell: Emily finally meets Sheldon & Amy and Leonard & Penny. Penny senses a bad vibe from Emily. She later finds out why from her-Ems knows about Penny and Raj's previous time in bed together. Meanwhile, after shopping in the only comic store nearby which has loud music and a brick wall none of them can stand, the guys decide to invest in Stuart's new comic store and they consult their partners beforehand. When Howard and Bernadette discuss it with Stuart, Stuart reveals Debbie (Howard's mom) has already agreed to invest upsetting Howard who, after all, is her son! Okay, this ep was much better then the previous three this season especially when the focus is on Emily, Penny, and Raj. Love Raj's responses at the end during that conversation. So on that note, "The Hook-up Reverberation" was a fine ep of "The Big Bang Theory". P.S. Chuck Lorre claimed on the vanity card of this ep that this would be his last one but I've found out he wrote another one afterward.
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